Showing: 9 - 15 of 15 RESULTS
Introducing NuInput: A superior INPUT

Introducing NuInput: A superior INPUT

If you’ve programmed in Applesoft, then you know that its INPUT command is not very capable. But now you don’t need it! NuInput is a powerful and flexible replacement for INPUT which makes it easy for any Applesoft programmer to specify maximum entry length and permitted keys, automatically convert lowercase, refuse blank entry, provide an …

Introducing Slammer, A New Way of Using Machine Language from Applesoft

Introducing Slammer, A New Way of Using Machine Language from Applesoft

By Ivan Drucker. Wouldn’t it be great if you could put whatever machine language you wanted into a standard Applesoft program with practically no performance, dependency, or stability issues? With Slammer, you can! Slammer is a new method for installing and executing machine language routines, at machine language speed, using 100% legal Applesoft. This presentation will …