KansasFest is scheduled for July 20 – 25. It seems like a long time away, but its less than a year from now. If you want to attend and have a full-time job, you need to coordinate with your co-workers and supervisor. A day off here and there can usually be scheduled on short notice, but a full week off requires some planning — especially since the summer is a popular time for vacations, and not all employees can take the same week off.

Check at your workplace and see what their policies are. Some companies accept vacation requests only within the same calendar year; others limit themselves by the fiscal year (which for some businesses began October 1st). Whenever they let you make your request, the sooner the better, so be sure to put KansasFest 2010 on both your personal and professional calendars.

While everyone else is getting sunburned at the beach or getting their cheeks pinched at boring family reunions, you’ll be enjoying the air-conditioned company of your fellow geeks. Now that’s a vacation!